Schreiber Translations, Inc.

Language Technology Solutions

Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT)/Translation Memory (TM)

Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT)/Translation Memory (TM) technology tools, such as SDL Trados®, WordFast, MemSource, and more, are tools used by our linguists to enhance quality and productivity, when applicable. CAT/TM technology allows translators to store and retrieve source and previously translated content. For large volume projects that contain a significant amount of highly repetitive text, such as technical manuals and software, or that undergo numerous revisions over time, employing CAT/TM software can save time and costs, as well as ensuring quality and consistency throughout the entire translation process by leveraging the previously translated content stored in the TM database.

The CAT/TM software captures quality translated content -- completed by professional translators and editors -- to be re-used again, either later on in a project, or on future translations that contain identical or slightly revised content. In short, TM works by breaking down text into “segments,” which are comprised of sentences or sentence-like structures (such as phrases, headings, captions, software strings, etc.), and then storing them in a database along with their corresponding translations. Repetitive text (known as 100% Matches, Repetitions and Fuzzy/Partial Matches) are then discounted from the base translation rate.

Other Technology Tools

In addition to CAT/TM tools, STI works with a number of other language and technology solutions to enhance our services. While all of our translation and interpretation services are supported by human linguists, and we never use “machine translation,” these tools help us increase our efficiency and productivity, such as:

  • The latest automatic QC/QA tools for localization, such as ApSIC Xbench and QA Distiller;
  • The latest software for localization and desktop publishing (DTP) support, including Adobe InDesign, PhotoShop, Framemaker, PageMaker, Quark Xpress, OmegaT, Translate Toolkit, and more;
  • STI ACCESS, our online, proprietary language project management and workflow system for both linguists and clients.
  • To learn more about how our technology solutions can be used to support your next language project, please contact us at